South Texas' Nonprofit Air Ambulance

Una Caja Dove Shoot

Posted on: January 1, 1970

Dear Friends and Neighbors:

We invite you to join HALO-Flight, Inc. and CITGO at the 2013 Una Caja Dove Shoot hosted by Laura Berry at her Lonesome Dove Ranch near Old San Patricio from noon until sunset on Wednesday, October 16. The 2012 Shoot was very successful with 16 teams participating. Over a net of $45,000 was raised with proceeds going to benefit HALO-Flight, Inc.


The Una Caja Dove Shoot format is an invitation-only, one box (shells supplied), .410 shoot and will include teams of five hunters. The team entry fee is $2,500. The shoot will be limited to the first 25 paid entries. The 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place teams will be determined by the team with the most birds. In the event of a tie, team winner will be determined by the team with the most birds, fewest shells. There will also be prizes for 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place individuals according to the same rules.


Pre-shoot activities will include a “shooters pool” which will be conducted before hunting commences. There will also be other shooting games, registration prizes, food and drinks available, with an evening meal after the shoot.


The schedule is as follows:

12:00pm- 2:30pm: Registration, shooting games, food, and drinks

                  2:30pm- 3:30pm: Shooters pool

                    4:00pm: To field

                    5:00pm-Sunset: Shooting time

                   7:30pm- 9:00pm: Dinner and award presentation


Enclosed you will find a team entry form to fill out and return with your entry fee of $2,500 to: HALO-Flight, Inc., Una Caja Dove Shoot, 1843 FM 665, Corpus Christi, TX 78415. The deadline for entry forms, fees, and shirt sizes is September 16, 2013. Shirt sizes not ordered by the deadline will be XL’s. Current hunting license must be shown at registration, NO EXCEPTIONS. In addition, if you would like to help sponsor this event or donate some prizes/auction items, please call Stephanie Knox, Marketing Director for HALO-Flight, at 361.265.0509 for more information or for any questions you may have.


Since its inception, HALO-Flight has transported over 15,000 patients of accidents, heart attacks and strokes, newborns, and many more to various hospitals, who might not have survived otherwise. Emergency assistance is provided to all persons regardless of their ability to pay. HALO-Flight serves a 26-county service area in South Texas, covering over 28,000 square miles with a population of over one million.


We hope to see you on Wednesday, October 16, 2013 for a day of hunting, food, and fun!

Care Above All
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